Saturday morning we attended the Tensas Music Fest. I woke up early and participated in the Walk for the Cure while the boys went to work with Ben. After I was done, Ben brought the boys to me at the festival where they painted pumpkins, harassed animals in the petting zoo, got their faces painted, and did the spider jump. Well, Davis did the spider jump. Wilson got all hooked up to the harness and bungee chords then freaked out when the guy started lifting him off the ground. Reluctantly, I let them choose the design for their face painting. I was hoping more for a cute little puppy dog or tiger face , but Davis chose a scary skeleton and Wilson a pirate face. They both had a lot of fun. After a long morning at the festival, we all went home and took a nap.That afternoon we took the boys trick-or-treating to the grandparents and then later stopped by the Tuckers for chili dogs and smores. John David and Bailey came in for the weekend, so they came and hung out with us too. It was a busy but fun day!

Ben and Burns. He loves to swing babies in overalls.

Spider-Jump drop out

I was proud of Davis for doing the spider jump. He's usually a weenie about that kind of stuff.
Davis, Wilson, and the Tucker boys toasting marshmallows.

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