Saturday we celebrated Wilson's birthday with our family and friends at Lake Bruin State Park. I have a birthday week, so why shouldn't my children?

He chose to have a Cat in the Hat party. I found these invitations on Etsy.

We had green eggs without the ham. If I had been more creative, I would have added chopped ham to the yolk mixture.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 Cupcakes: Red velvet cupcakes with blue cotton candy added to the top.

Party favors: Dr. Seuss books, and bags of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Green and Yellow Fish (Swedish Fish)

This too cute for words cake was baked and decorated by my parents' neighbor Glenda Jones.

What kind of party is it without bubbles?

Davis getting really excited about all the presents. That's the advantage to having a brother close to your age, you get twice the presents!

I tried to prepare Wilson earlier that morning by telling him if he opened anything he didn't want or already had just smile and say thank you. He did great until he opened his Uncle Scott's gift and said, "Another bug vacuum."
Sorry Scott! With all the bugs in Louisiana, you really can't have too many bug suckers around.

Mary Clark the ham


George and Thomas


Baby Manning




Georgie Porgie

Katie and Charlee

Sweet Baby Hugs!


Ben was our frankfurter roaster.

Charlee loved my green eggs!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday Dear Wilson!

Happy Birthday to You!

Hat models

Burns had a crush on Bailey.
You're an amazing mother. wow. and that cake is awesome! i bet it was delicious.
ReplyDeletethat kid in the lime green shirt has got to be criggler
ReplyDeleteActually no, the child in the long-sleeve plaid shirt is a Crigler.
ReplyDeleteThanks Liz!