For John David's birthday(which was like three weeks ago) Melanie bought us all tickets to a cage fight in West Monroe. John David has a friend, Quentin, who competes and he is all about it. This was a first for most of us other than John David, Bailey, and Mel who are cage fighting regulars.

Ben drove us there. He left his sunglasses at home so Mel was kind enough to loan her Gucci's.

I believe the proper term for this cage fighting is MMA(Mixed Martial Arts). Thanks for spelling it out for me girls!

The girls
Elizabeth, Bailey, Mel, and Me
The guys ...minus George
Ben, Scott, and John David

There's George

Quentin's in the ring!

I really tried to capture John David's intensity in this one. :)

YEAH! Quentin won!

Happy Birthday John David!
Thanks for the seats Mel! Top Night!
Glad everyone was able to go! And I hope everyone had a good time!