Wilson has the football player smile down.
Saturday, we went to the pool for what was probably the last time for the summer unless we make it this weekend.
Fun in the pool with one of his best buds
Sunday after church, Ben cooked us an awesome Greek meal. He chefed up some chicken shawarma, hummus with pita, greek salad, and bulgar wheat. It's one of my favorite meals he cooks for me. It really does taste like the food from our favorite Greek restaurant in Baton Rouge. I will post recipes later, but too tired at the moment.
I don't know if you can tell but Wilson has a sour punch straw dangling from his mouth.
Sunday for church, I argued with Davis about what he was going to wear. He wanted to wear his suit and tie that he wore last summer when he was in a wedding. He loves to dress up like his daddy. I kept telling him it was going to be too small, but he ignored me and put the shirt, jacket, and tie on anyway. It was too cute and too funny not to let him wear it. I did make him change into the matching pants, even though they were high waters.
He was so proud of himself.
I had to get a close-up of the tie that he put on all by himself.